Financial considerations
Living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) or caring for someone with CKD may affect your finances.
You may have increased expenses. For example, you may have to consider the cost of medications, food, transportation to appointments, and possible equipment. Some of these items may be covered by health insurance, but you may have out-of-pocket expenses as well.
You may also have to consider modifications to your work schedule or type of work. For example, shortening the number of hours worked or modifying your work duties. This may also affect your income and finances.
As a caregiver, you may consider taking time off work to care for someone with CKD.
You may be eligible for benefits. This information is general in nature and does not cover all circumstances. Speak to a social worker on your health care team to assist you and your individual needs.
Benefits for patients:
Employment Insurance Sick Benefits - Basic eligibility requires you to have worked 600 insurable hours in the last 52 weeks, or since your last claim, and that your weekly earnings have decreased by at least 40%.
Canadian Pension Plan Disability Benefits - For those under 65 years of age with a severe and prolonged disability. To qualify for this program you must have contributed to the Canadian Pension Plan.
Tax Credits and Deductions - Disability tax credit certificate - provides eligible individuals with reductions in income tax deductions. Medical expense deductions - you may be eligible for deductions for medical expenses such as transportation, parking, medical equipment and supplies.
Registered Disability Savings Plan - Allows people with disabilities and their families to save for the future.
Disability Living Allowance - A living allowance for eligible patients with disabilities.
Working Income Tax Benefit - This is a refundable tax credit intended to provide tax relief for eligible working low-income individuals and families.
Short-Term and Long Term Disability - You may be eligible for short or long-term disability through your employer.
Benefits for caregivers:
Attendance Allowance- An allowance to cover the cost of hiring a caregiver.
Caregiver Recognition Benefit - Veterans Affairs Canada - There are benefits available to Canada’s Veterans such as the Caregiver Recognition Benefit.
Canada Caregiver Tax Credit - If you have a dependent with an impairment in physical or mental functions, you may be eligible to claim an additional amount.
Family Medical Leave - Family medical leave is unpaid, job-protected leave. Caregivers can take family medical leave to provide care or support to certain family members. This can include the caregiver’s: Parent, grandparent, spouse, sibling, child, niece or nephew, and more.
Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefit - Family members can apply to receive this benefit for up to 26 weeks with proper medical documentation. The individual must be gravely ill and at a significant risk of death.
Government of Canada Resources:
- Service Canada Benefits Information on Employment Insurance, pensions and benefits for housing, education, training, family and people with disabilities.
- Benefits for Persons with Disabilities Information on services and financial benefits for people with disabilities and their families. Benefits include: the Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefit, various tax credits, the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), and Disability Benefits for Veterans.
- Interactive Benefits Finder Tool Work through a series of questions to generate a customized list of federal, provincial and territorial benefits you might be eligible for.
- Benefits for Caregivers Links to caregiver benefits including the Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefit, Employment Insurance Family Caregiver Benefit, and Registered Disability Savings Plan.
- Caregiver Recognition Benefit for Veterans Information on eligibility, how to apply, and frequently asked questions about the benefit.
- Living with a Disability Links to federal disability benefits including tax credits and tips on managing your money.
- Medical Expenses You Can Claim Learn about which medical expenses you can claim, how to claim them, and the types of supporting documentation needed for the claim
- Disability Insurance Guidance on purchasing life or disability insurance.
Other Resources:
- Kidney Foundation of Canada Tax Tips (updated yearly) Information for people who are on dialysis or have had a kidney transplant. Includes eligibility and how to apply for income tax assistance